So yeah, Steam summer sale has been going on for quite a while now and Im broke as we speak.
Too many games, so little cash.
So far I have bought:
Borderlands 2 GOTY Edition
Metal Slug 3
Battleblock Theatre
Age of Empires 2 HD + The Forgotten Expansion
Heroes Rise: The Prodigy/The Hero Project
Amounting to about 35 dollars in all of that.
Yeah my wallet got raped and cummed inside.
Not regretting it though, Ive had lots of fun playing BattleBlock Theatre with a friend, and Im kinda glad Behemoth still remembers to add Newgrounds titbits here and there on his games. (Minami is me, btw.)

So yeah, Ive also been reading a lot of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and plan on watching the anime soon, so theres that too.
Kinda wish I had a PS3 to play JoJo's All Star Battle.